class Point
int x,y;
static int countp;//统计点对象个数
Point(int x=1,int y=1);
void Setxy(int xx,int yy);
void Getxy(int &xx,int &yy);//引用参数有什么作用?
static int Get_countp(); //只是返回点对象个数,其中不能写输出语句
#include<iostream> using namespace std; class Point { int x, y; static int countp;//统计点对象个数 public: Point(int x = 1, int y = 1); void Setxy(int xx, int yy); void Getxy(int& xx, int& yy);//引用参数有什么作用? static int Get_countp(); //只是返回点对象个数,其中不能写输出语句 }; int Point::countp = 0;//初始化静态数据成员为0 Point::Point(int x , int y ) { this->x = x; this->y = y; countp++;//点个数+1 } void Point::Setxy(int xx, int yy) { x = xx; y = yy; } void Point::Getxy(int& xx, int& yy) { xx = x; yy = y;//通过将引用变量用作参数,函数将使用原始数据,而不是其副本。 } int Point::Get_countp() { return countp; } int main() { int X, Y; cout << "The number of current point objects is:" << Point::Get_countp() << endl; Point p[3]; p[1].Setxy(2, 2); p[1].Getxy(X, Y); cout << "The coordinates of the second point object element are " << X << " " << Y << endl; cout << "The number of current point objects is " << Point::Get_countp() << endl; }
(1)The initialization of static data members cannot be ignored, otherwise compilation errors will be caused;
(2) When a function needs more than one return value, it is much more convenient to pass by reference;
(3) When defining member functions and constructors outside the class, remember to add the class scope qualifier::;
(1) 不能忽视了静态数据成员的初始化不然会导致编译错误;
(2) 当函数需要多个返回值时,使用按引用传递会方便很多;
(3) 在类外定义成员函数和构造函数时切记加上类作用域限定符::;
During the experiment, when I wrote the definition of the constructor, I mistakenly wrote the constructor parameter list into the constructor declaration (i.e. the default parameter was specified), which resulted in compilation errors
Later, errors were found and corrected during debugging.
According to the problems encountered in the debugging process, this experiment consolidated the knowledge points related to the default parameters of the function:
(1) If the default parameter is set during function definition, it cannot be set again in function declaration, and vice versa;
(2) You can set multiple default parameters. To set a default value for a parameter, all the parameters on the right must be default;
(3) The default value can be a constant, a global variable, or even a function call (the call argument must be an expression of a constant or a global variable), not a local variable;
(1) 如果在函数定义时设置了默认参数,那么就不能在函数声明中再次设置,反之亦然;
(2) 可以设置多个默认参数,要为某个参数设置默认值,则它右边的所有参数必须都是默认参数;
(3) 默认值可以是常量、全局变量、甚至是一个函数调用(调用实参必须是常量或全局变量的表达式),不可以是局部变量;
I’m more familiar with using static members in classes. For example, a static data member cannot be assigned within a class.
By —-Suki 2020 4 14
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