本网页所有文字内容由 imapbox邮箱云存储,邮箱网盘, iurlBox网页地址收藏管理器 下载并得到。
ImapBox 邮箱网盘 工具地址: https://www.imapbox.com/download/ImapBox.5.5.1_Build20141205_CHS_Bit32.exe
本网页所有视频内容由 imoviebox边看边下-网页视频下载, iurlBox网页地址收藏管理器 下载并得到。
ImovieBox 网页视频 工具地址: https://www.imapbox.com/download/ImovieBox4.7.0_Build20141115_CHS.exe
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在qt的安装目录下:QTDIR/bin/windeployqt 例如我的默认安装在: C:/Qt/Qt5.3.1/5.3/msvc2013 windoployqt在: C:/Qt/Qt5.3.1/5.3/msvc2013/bin/windoployqt.exe 注意: 需要把qt的安装路径设置到PATH环境变量中。windoployqt是在PATH环境变量中查找所需要的qt库。 然后再在要安装的目录下运行: D:/source/rabbitim/install>windeployqt rabbitim.exe Usage: c:/qt/Qt5.3.1/5.3/msvc2013/bin/windeployqt.exe [options] [file] The simplest way to use windeployqt is to add the bin directory of your Qt Options: Qt libraries can be added by passing their name (-xml) or removed by passing Arguments:
Qt Deploy Tool 5.3.1
installation (e.g. <QT_DIR/bin>) to the PATH variable and then run:
windeployqt <path-to-app-binary>
If ICU, ANGLE, etc. are not in the bin directory, they need to be in the PATH
variable. If your application uses Qt Quick, run:
windeployqt –qmldir <path-to-app-qml-files> <path-to-app-binary>
-?, -h, –help Displays this help.
-v, –version Displays version information.
–dir <directory> Use directory instead of binary directory.
–libdir <path> Copy libraries to path.
–debug Assume debug binaries.
–release Assume release binaries.
–force Force updating files.
–dry-run Simulation mode. Behave normally, but do not
copy/update any files.
–no-plugins Skip plugin deployment.
–no-libraries Skip library deployment.
–qmldir <directory> Scan for QML-imports starting from directory.
–no-quick-import Skip deployment of Qt Quick imports.
–no-translations Skip deployment of translations.
–no-system-d3d-compiler Skip deployment of the system D3D compiler.
–compiler-runtime Deploy compiler runtime (Desktop only).
–no-compiler-runtime Do not deploy compiler runtime (Desktop only).
–webkit2 Deployment of WebKit2 (web process).
–no-webkit2 Skip deployment of WebKit2.
–json Print to stdout in JSON format.
–list <option> Print only the names of the files copied.
Available options:
source: absolute path of the source files
target: absolute path of the target files
relative: paths of the target files, relative
to the target directory
mapping: outputs the source and the relative
target, suitable for use within an
Appx mapping file
–verbose <level> Verbose level.
the name prepended by –no- (–no-xml). Available libraries:
bluetooth clucene concurrent core declarative designercomponents designer gui
clucene qthelp multimedia multimediawidgets multimediaquick network nfc opengl
positioning printsupport qml quick quickparticles script scripttools sensors
serialport sql svg test widgets winextras xml xmlpatterns
[file] Binary or directory containing the binary.
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