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You find that the execution time of reports in your datawarehouse application is significantly high. You suspect the lack of indexes to be the reason for the degradation in performance. Which advisory comp onent would you refer to, in order to determine the appropriate index es? A. Memory Advisor B. Segment Advisor C. SQL Access Advisor D. Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) E. Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM) Answer: C 你发现你的数据仓库中的执行报告时间非常慢,你怀疑是缺少相应的索引, 可以使用 SQL Access Advisor(SQL 访问指导) SQL 访问指导:处理方案问题并确定最佳数据访问路径(如索引和实体化视 图) 。实体化视图=物化试图 物化视图是包括一个查询结果的数据库对像,它是远程数据的的本地副本, 或者用来生成基于数据表求和的汇总表。物化视图存储基于远程表的数据,也可 以称为快照。
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