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一键执行更新密文密码到指定目录下的所有文件 1. 占位符的格式为 %(key) 2. 密码集中管理于某个指定的文件 3. 运行 gradle 执行更新; 运行 gradle clean test 执行单元测试. build.gradle
apply plugin: 'groovy' repositories { mavenLocal() mavenCentral() } dependencies { compile 'org.codehaus.groovy:groovy-all:2.3.7' compile 'org.apache.ant:ant:1.9.4' testCompile 'junit:junit:4.11' testCompile 'commons-io:commons-io:2.2' } sourceSets { main { groovy { srcDirs = ['.'] include 'Two.groovy' } } test { groovy { srcDirs = ['test/groovy'] } } } task runScript(type: JavaExec) { description 'Run Groovy script' // Set main property to name of Groovy script class. main = 'Two' // Set classpath for running the Groovy script. classpath = sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath } defaultTasks 'runScript'
#!/usr/bin/env groovy public class Two{ static def sampleFile=''' #-----Follows are the content of a sample configuration file----- #path to the credentials file. (Don't input any space in between) suez.credentials.path=./ssts-credentials.properties #path(s) to the target top foder(s). Please separate with ";" when there is more than one target top folder. (Don't input any space in between) suez.target.path=./config;./build #the extentions of configuration files. (Don't input any space in between) file.extention.filter=.xml;.properties;.cfg #---------------------------------------------------------------- ''' static def final LINE_SEPARATOR = System.getProperty('line.separator') //static def configFile = this.getName() + '.properties' //static def logFile = this.getName() + '.log' //static def log = new File(logFile) static def configFile static def logFile static def log static def credentialsMap = [:] static def credentialFile static def targetPath = [] static def extensions = [] // To read from credential file and put key/value pairs into a map static getCredentialMap(){ def f = new File(credentialFile) f.eachLine{ if(!it.trim().startsWith('#')){ def tokens = it.split('=') credentialsMap.put('%('+tokens[0].trim()+')', tokens[1].trim()) } } } // To scan recursively from a specific top folder where there are configuration files need to update their credentials static scanFolderRecurse(String path){ new File(path).eachFileRecurse { if(it.isFile()){ processFile(it) } } } // To process a specific file static processFile(file){ def extension = '.' + file.getName().split(//./)[-1] if(extension in extensions){ def newFile = new StringBuilder() def updated = false def lineNo = 0 file.eachLine{ lineNo += 1 def result = processLine(it) def replaced = result[0] def text = result[1] text += LINE_SEPARATOR if(replaced){ updated = true log.append(file.getCanonicalPath() + LINE_SEPARATOR) log.append(String.format('Line %3d: %s', lineNo, it.trim()) + LINE_SEPARATOR) log.append(String.format('========> %s', text.trim()) + LINE_SEPARATOR) } newFile.append(text) } if(updated){ file.write('') file.write(newFile.toString()) } } } // To process a specific line static def processLine(line){ def text = line def pattern = ~//%/(.+?/)/ def replaced = false def matcher = pattern.matcher(line) def count = matcher.getCount() for(i in 0..<count){ def key = matcher[i] def value = credentialsMap.get(key) if( value != null){ text = line.replace(key, value) replaced = true } } return [replaced, text] } static init(File scriptConfigPathFile){ configFile = scriptConfigPathFile ? scriptConfigPathFile : new File(this.getName() + '.properties') logFile = this.getName() + '.log' log = new File(logFile) log.write('') try{ configFile.eachLine{ if(it.startsWith('suez.credentials.path')) credentialFile=it.split('=')[1].trim() if(it.startsWith('suez.target.path')) targetPath=it.split('=')[1].trim().split(';') if(it.startsWith('file.extension.filter')) extensions=it.split('=')[1].trim().split(';') } getCredentialMap() }catch(IOException e){ println 'Please prepare ' + configFile + ' for this script ' + this.getName() + '.groovy' println sampleFile println e }catch(Exception e){ println e } } static main(args){ init(null) for(String path in targetPath){ scanFolderRecurse(path) } } }
import org.junit.* import static org.junit.Assert.* import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils import groovy.util.AntBuilder class TwoTest { @Before public void setUp(){ Two.init(new File('test/groovy/Two.properties')) } @Test public void initTest(){ assertNotNull Two.configFile assertEquals 'Two.properties', Two.configFile.getName() assertEquals 'Two.log', Two.logFile assertNotNull Two.log assertEquals 'Two.log', Two.log.getName() } @Test public void processLineReturnTrue(){ def input = '<input type="text" name="suez.username" value="%(suez.username)"/>' def value = Two.processLine(input) assertTrue value[0] assertEquals '<input type="text" name="suez.username" value="cdef"/>', value[1] } @Test public void processLineReturnFalse(){ def input = '<input type="text" name="suez.username" value="cdef"/>' def value = Two.processLine(input) assertFalse value[0] assertEquals '<input type="text" name="suez.username" value="cdef"/>', value[1] } @Test public void processFileWithUpdating(){ new File('test/groovy/suez.properties').delete() def ant = new AntBuilder() ant.copy( file : 'test/groovy/suez.properties.bak' , tofile : 'test/groovy/suez.properties') def file = new File('test/groovy/suez.properties') Two.processFile(file) assertEquals("The files differ!", FileUtils.readFileToString(new File('test/groovy/suez.properties')), FileUtils.readFileToString(new File('test/groovy/result-suez.properties'))); } @Test public void processFileWithoutUpdating(){ def file = new File('test/groovy/result-suez.properties') def lastModified = file.lastModified() Two.processFile(file) def lastModifiedAfterProcessing = new File('test/groovy/result-suez.properties').lastModified() assertEquals("The file was changed!", lastModified, lastModifiedAfterProcessing); } @Test public void getCredentialMapTest(){ def props = new Properties() new File("./test/groovy/suez-credentials.properties").withInputStream { stream -> props.load(stream) } def expectedMap = [:] props.each{k,v-> expectedMap.put('%('+k+')',v) } assertEquals expectedMap, Two.credentialsMap } @Test public void scanFolderRecurseTest(){ def ant = new AntBuilder() new File('./test/groovy/uat').eachFileRecurse{ def pathfile = it.getCanonicalPath() if(!pathfile.endsWith('original') && !pathfile.endsWith('target') && it.isFile()) it.delete() } new File('./test/groovy/uat').eachFileRecurse{ def pathfile = it.getCanonicalPath() if(pathfile.endsWith('original')) ant.copy( file : pathfile , tofile : pathfile.replace('.original', '')) } Two.scanFolderRecurse('./test/groovy/uat') new File('./test/groovy/uat').eachFileRecurse{ def pathfile = it.getCanonicalPath() if(pathfile.endsWith('target')){ final File expected = it; final File output = new File(it.getCanonicalPath().replace('.target', '')); assertEquals(FileUtils.readLines(expected), FileUtils.readLines(output)); } } final File expectedLog = new File('Two.log') final File actualLog = new File('./test/groovy/Two.log') ant.copy( file : expectedLog.getCanonicalPath() , tofile : actualLog.getCanonicalPath() + '.actual') assertEquals(FileUtils.readLines(expectedLog), FileUtils.readLines(actualLog)); } @Test public void scanFolderRecurseTestEmptyPath(){ try { Two.scanFolderRecurse('') fail(); } catch (java.io.FileNotFoundException e) { } } }
dummy.credentials.path=test/groovy/dummy-credentials.properties <pre code_snippet_id="557663" snippet_file_name="blog_20141220_4_5309252" name="code" class="plain">dummy<span style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;">.target.path=./config;./configChina</span>
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