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MySQL Connector/C++ is available as a static or dynamic library to use with your application. This section describes how to link the library to your application. MySQL Connector/C++能做为项目的静态或动态库,这章节就是描述如何链接该库到你的项目中。 To avoid potential crashes, the build configuration of MySQL Connector/C++ should match the build configuration of the application using it. For example, do not use the release build of MySQL Connector/C++ with a debug build of the client application. Static Library The MySQL Connector/C++ static library file is Dynamic Library The MySQL Connector/C++ dynamic library file is Building a MySQL Connector/C++ Application with Microsoft Visual Studio The initial steps for building an application to use either the static or dynamic library are the same. Some additional steps vary, depend on whether you are building your application to use the static or dynamic library. Select File, New, Project from the main menu. In the wizard, select Visual C++, Win32. From Visual Studio Installed Templates, select the application typeWin32 Console Application. Enter a name for the application, then click OK, to move to the Win32 Application Wizard. In the Win32 Application Wizard, click Application Settings and ensure the defaults are selected. The radio button Console application and the check box Precompiled headers are selected. Click Finish to close the wizard. From the drop down list box on the toolbar, change from the default Debug build to the Release build. From the main menu select Project, Properties. This can also be accessed using the hot key ALT + F7. Under Configuration Properties, open the tree view. Select C++, General in the tree view. Ensure that Visual Studio can find the MySQL include directory. This directory includes header files that can optionally be installed when installing MySQL Server. In the Additional Include Directories text field, add the MySQL Also set the location of additional libraries that Visual Studio needs to build the application. These are located in the MySQL In the tree view, open Linker, General, Additional Library Directories. Add the The remaining steps depend on whether you are building an application to use the MySQL Connector/C++ static or dynamic library. If you are building your application to use the dynamic library, see Dynamic Build. If you are building your application to use the static library, carry out the following steps: Open Linker, Input, Additional Dependencies. Enter By default In the Project, Properties tree view, under C++, Preprocessor, enter
Make sure you enter If you are building an application to use the MySQL Connector/C++ dynamically linked library, carry out these steps: Under Linker, Input, add Copy mysqlcppconn-static.lib
. You link this library statically with your application. Also link against the files libmysql.dll
and libmysql.lib
. At runtime, the application will require access to libmysql.dll
. To build your client application, link it with the file mysqlcppconn.lib
. At runtime, the application will require access to the files mysqlcppconn.dll
directory, a subdirectory of the MySQL Server installation directory.lib/opt
directory into the Additional Library Directories text field. This enables the library filelibmysql.lib
to be found. Static Build
and libmysql.lib
is defined to declare functions to be compatible with an application that calls a DLL. If you are building an application to call the static library, ensure that function prototypes are compatible with this. In this case, define CPPCONN_PUBLIC_FUNC
to be an empty string, so that functions are declared with the correct prototype.CPPCONN_PUBLIC_FUNC=
into thePreprocessor Definitions text field.CPPCONN_PUBLIC_FUNC=
, so that it is defined as an empty string. Dynamic build
into the Additional Dependencies text field.mysqlcppconn.dll
must be in the same directory as the application executable, or somewhere on the system’s path, so that the application can access the MySQL Connector/C++ Dynamic Linked Library at runtime.mysqlcppconn.dll
to the same directory as the application. Alternatively, extend the PATH
environment variable using SET PATH=%PATH%;C:/path/to/cpp
. Alternatively, you can copy mysqlcppconn.dll
to the Windows installation Directory, typically c:/windows
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