通过一些基础知识可以知道pilot是专门管理testflight打包审核的,但在百度搜索”pilot fastlane“搜不到完整命令如何写的。
https://www.jianshu.com/p/eafa2fa37c1b 《 iOS项目的 fastlane / jenkins 实践》这篇博客里有fastlane上传testflight并提交beta审核的命令。
自定义文件位置 lane :build_appstore下面添加
output_directory: ‘./testflight’,
output_name: ‘TestDemo.ipa’
然后 lane :upload_testflight下面的
ipa: “XXX” 改为 ipa: “testflight/TestDemo.ipa”
0.要给终端完全磁盘权限,部分文件夹也需要chmod 777
value must be a Hash! Found String instead. 去掉这个字段
Could not set beta_app_feedback_email and/or beta_app_description: Server error got 504
10.[Transporter Error Output]: An exception has occurred: Broken pipe (Write failed)
# -------------- testflight -------------- # desc "Build and upload a PROD app to TestFlight" lane :release_testflight do build_appstore upload_testflight end lane :build_appstore do increment_build_number_in_plist( target: '~~~~~', build_number: '' ) increment_version_number_in_plist( target: '~~~~~~~', version_number: '1.0.3' ) gym( configuration: "Release", scheme: "~~~~~~~", clean: true, include_bitcode: true, include_symbols: true, export_method: 'app-store', export_xcargs: "-allowProvisioningUpdates", output_directory: './testflightNew', output_name: 'TestDemo.ipa' ) end lane :upload_testflight do upload_to_testflight( beta_app_review_info: { contact_email: "111@qq.com", contact_first_name: "ww", contact_last_name: "分", contact_phone: "123", demo_account_name: "123", demo_account_password: "111", notes: "适用于fastlane自动打包上传提审等操作 thank you for reviewing" }, localized_build_info: { "default": { whats_new: "适用于fastlane自动打包上传提审等操作", }, "en-GB": { whats_new: "适用于fastlane自动打包上传提审等操作", } }, # true就不自动提审了 skip_waiting_for_build_processing: false, skip_submission:false, username: "123@qq.com", app_identifier: "com.123", beta_app_feedback_email:"123@qq.com", beta_app_description:"适用于fastlane自动打包上传提审等操作", demo_account_required: true, #构建是否应该分发给外部测试人员? distribute_external: true, notify_external_testers: true, groups:"122222", changelog:"适用于fastlane自动打包上传提审等操作", beta_app_feedback_email:"22222@qq.com", ipa: "testflightNew/TestDemo.ipa" ) end # -------------- testflight -------------- #
Key | Description | Default |
username |
Your Apple ID Username | * |
app_identifier |
The bundle identifier of the app to upload or manage testers (optional) | * |
app_platform |
The platform to use (optional) | ios |
apple_id |
Apple ID property in the App Information section in App Store Connect | * |
ipa |
Path to the ipa file to upload | * |
demo_account_required |
Do you need a demo account when Apple does review? | false |
beta_app_review_info |
Beta app review information for contact info and demo account | |
localized_app_info |
Localized beta app test info for description, feedback email, marketing url, and privacy policy | |
beta_app_description |
Provide the ‘Beta App Description’ when uploading a new build | |
beta_app_feedback_email |
Provide the beta app email when uploading a new build | |
localized_build_info |
Localized beta app test info for what’s new | |
changelog |
Provide the ‘What to Test’ text when uploading a new build. skip_waiting_for_build_processing: false is required to set the changelog |
skip_submission |
Skip the distributing action of pilot and only upload the ipa file | false |
skip_waiting_for_build_processing |
If set to true, the distribute_external option won’t work and no build will be distributed to testers. (You might want to use this option if you are using this action on CI and have to pay for ‘minutes used’ on your CI plan). If set to true and a changelog is provided, it will partially wait for the build to appear on AppStore Connect so the changelog can be set, and skip the remaining processing steps |
false |
update_build_info_on_upload |
DEPRECATED! Update build info immediately after validation. This is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. App Store Connect no longer supports setting build info until after build processing has completed, which is when build info is updated by default | false |
uses_non_exempt_encryption |
Provide the ‘Uses Non-Exempt Encryption’ for export compliance. This is used if there is ‘ITSAppUsesNonExemptEncryption’ is not set in the Info.plist | false |
distribute_external |
Should the build be distributed to external testers? | false |
notify_external_testers |
Should notify external testers? | true |
first_name |
The tester’s first name | |
last_name |
The tester’s last name | |
email |
The tester’s email | |
testers_file_path |
Path to a CSV file of testers | ./testers.csv |
groups |
Associate tester to one group or more by group name / group id. E.g. -g "Team 1","Team 2" |
team_id |
The ID of your App Store Connect team if you’re in multiple teams | * |
team_name |
The name of your App Store Connect team if you’re in multiple teams | * |
dev_portal_team_id |
The short ID of your team in the developer portal, if you’re in multiple teams. Different from your iTC team ID! | * |
itc_provider |
The provider short name to be used with the iTMSTransporter to identify your team. This value will override the automatically detected provider short name. To get provider short name run pathToXcode.app/Contents/Applications/Application Loader.app/Contents/itms/bin/iTMSTransporter -m provider -u 'USERNAME' -p 'PASSWORD' -account_type itunes_connect -v off . The short names of providers should be listed in the second column |
wait_processing_interval |
Interval in seconds to wait for App Store Connect processing | 30 |
wait_for_uploaded_build |
DEPRECATED! No longer needed with the transition over to the App Store Connect API – Use version info from uploaded ipa file to determine what build to use for distribution. If set to false, latest processing or any latest build will be used | false |
reject_build_waiting_for_review |
Expire previous if it’s ‘waiting for review’ | false |
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