设R1为内径,n为圈数,d为圈距。 如果内半径为R1 = 5,并且每转弯处半径增加为d=0.81,圈数n = 7.5。 利用 而使用极坐标中曲线的弧长的公式来计算计算得: 两者近似相等。
// create empty curve objects: QCPCurve *fermatSpiral1 = new QCPCurve(m_customPlot->xAxis, m_customPlot->yAxis); // set the same step between xAxis and yAxis QCPAxisTickerFixed *ticker = new QCPAxisTickerFixed; ticker->setTickStep(1); m_customPlot->xAxis->setTicker(QSharedPointer<QCPAxisTicker>(ticker)); m_customPlot->yAxis->setTicker(QSharedPointer<QCPAxisTicker>(ticker)); // generate the curve data points: const int pointCount = 500; QVector<QCPCurveData> dataSpiral1(pointCount); for (int i=0; i<pointCount; ++i) { double phi = i/(double)(pointCount-1); double N = 7.5;//圈数 double d_Inner = 5;//内径 double d = 0.81;//圈距 double Dis =N*d*phi;//外径 - 内径 dataSpiral1[i] = QCPCurveData(i, (d_Inner + Dis)*qCos(N*phi*2*M_PI), (d_Inner + Dis)*qSin(N*phi*2*M_PI)); } // pass the data to the curves; we know t (i in loop above) is ascending, so set alreadySorted=true (saves an extra internal sort): fermatSpiral1->data()->set(dataSpiral1, true); // color the curves: fermatSpiral1->setPen(QPen(Qt::blue));
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