引言:刚开始看深度学习的论文,会隐遇到有一些不常见的科研论文术语(例如 state-of-the-art)感到困惑,看得多了才能慢慢理解。 下面我列举的一些论文术语以及评估指标,我刚开始遇到是不太懂的。我结合网络和自己的理解给出合理解释,供参考~ 附: Ablation study An ablation study typically refers to removing some “feature” of the model or algorithm, and seeing how that affects performance. Anchor Baseline a line serving as a basis Benchmark an established point of reference against which computers or programs can be measured in tests comparing their performance, reliability, etc. Backbone the most important part of something, providing support for everything else Batch a group of jobs, data, or programs treated as a unit for computer processing End-to-end End-to-end describes a process that takes a system or service from beginning to end and delivers a complete functional solution, usually without needing to obtain anything from a third party. Ensemble model multiple diverse models are created to predict an outcome, either by using many different modeling algorithms or using different training data sets. The ensemble model then aggregates the prediction of each base model and results in once final prediction for the unseen data. Epoch a particular period of time marked by distinctive features, events Fine tune to make very small changes to something in order to make it work as well as possible. Feature map The feature map is the output of one filter applied to the previous layer. Ground truth In machine learning, the term “ground truth” refers to the accuracy of the training set’s classification for supervised learning techniques. Hyperparameter Pipeline Short connection State-of-the-art (SOTA) the latest and most sophisticated or advanced stage of a technology, art, or science. Region of interest(ROI) samples within a data set identified for a particular purpose Receptive field(RF) The receptive field is defined as the region in the input space that a particular CNN’s feature is looking at. Without bells and whistles It refers to non-essential but often engaging features added to a piece of technical equipment or a computer program to make it seem more superficially attractive without enhancing its main function FPS AP(Average Percision) mAP(Mean Average Precision) IOU(Intersection over Union) Top-1 error Top-5 error COCO 数据集指标 → 链接 Accuracy Precision Recall F1-Score一、论文
字面意思是锚,CV 中是锚点或锚框,目标检测中常出现的 anchor box是锚框,表示固定的参考框。参考:目标检测中的Anchor
翻译为基线,是研究的一个参照物。你以 baseline 为基础,在上面加了一些东西构成新模型,就要看看你的模型比 baseline 的性能提高了多少,你的改进有没有效果。(在 baseline 的基础上纵向比较)
翻译为基准,在测试中可以比较计算机或程序的性能、可靠性的既定参考点,是评价算法好坏的一种规则和标准。(与比较牛的模型 benchmark 横向比较)
可翻译为骨干(eg. backbone network)
可翻译为批。模型训练的一次迭代(即一次梯度更新)中使用的样本集。(一个批次的样本数是 batch size)拓展:epoch,batch,iteration
端到端,输入原始数据,输出得到想要的结果,使用一个单独的网络模型训练,不用考虑多阶段处理。(eg. end-to-end learning, end-to-end network)
可翻译为代,使用训练集额全部数据对模型进行一次完整训练是一个 epoch。拓展:epoch,batch,iteration
翻译为微调(eg. fine tune a network)
可翻译为特征图,指 CNN 中卷积层的输出。
可理解为设定的一个正确的真实值。图像分类中,标签为 ground truth。2.H-N
直译是流水线,论文中会称一些框架为 pipeline,说明这个框架分为几个阶段。
shortcut 翻译为捷径。传统的 CNN 在不相邻的层间传递需要经过中间层,但深度残差网络提出在两层之间直接连一个线,跳过了中间层,跳过的这些层就是 short connection,skip connection 就是一种跳跃式传递。
翻译为感受野(感受域),指的是神经网络中神经元“看到的”输入区域。CNN 的 feature map上某个元素的计算受输入图像上某个区域的影响,这个区域即该元素的感受野。4.U-Z
1. CV
Frames Per Second 的缩写,翻译为“每秒传输帧数”,也就是“每秒中填充图像的帧数(帧/秒)”
均值平均精度,指的是所有图片内的所有类别的AP的平均值,目前,在目标检测类里用的最多的是 mAP。
交并比,指的是 ground truth bbox与 predict bbox 的交集面积占两者并集面积的一个比率,IoU值越大说明预测检测框的模型算法性能越好.
预测输出的概率最高的类别,是否和人工标注的类别一致,如果不一致,此时的概率。常用于 ImageNet 数据集。
不同条件下的 AP 和 AR,比如不同的 IOU,不同的大小2. ML
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