/** * @file * * lwIP Options Configuration */ /* * Copyright (c) 2001-2004 Swedish Institute of Computer Science. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT * SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT * OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING * IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY * OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * This file is part of the lwIP TCP/IP stack. * * Author: Adam Dunkels <adam@sics.se> * */ #ifndef LWIP_LWIPOPTS_H #define LWIP_LWIPOPTS_H /* ----------------------------------------------- ---------- Platform specific locking ---------- ----------------------------------------------- */ /** * NO_SYS==1: Provides VERY minimal functionality. Otherwise, * use lwIP facilities. */ #define NO_SYS 1 /** * SYS_LIGHTWEIGHT_PROT==1: if you want inter-task protection for certain * critical regions during buffer allocation, deallocation and memory * allocation and deallocation. */ #define SYS_LIGHTWEIGHT_PROT 0 /* ------------------------------------ ---------- Memory options ---------- ------------------------------------ */ /** * MEM_ALIGNMENT: should be set to the alignment of the CPU * 4 byte alignment -> #define MEM_ALIGNMENT 4 * 2 byte alignment -> #define MEM_ALIGNMENT 2 */ #define MEM_ALIGNMENT 4 /** * MEM_SIZE: the size of the heap memory. If the application will send * a lot of data that needs to be copied, this should be set high. */ #define MEM_SIZE (30 * 1024) /* ------------------------------------------------ ---------- Internal Memory Pool Sizes ---------- ------------------------------------------------ */ /** * MEMP_NUM_PBUF: the number of memp struct pbufs (used for PBUF_ROM and PBUF_REF). * If the application sends a lot of data out of ROM (or other static memory), * this should be set high. */ #define MEMP_NUM_PBUF 30 /** * MEMP_NUM_RAW_PCB: Number of raw connection PCBs * (requires the LWIP_RAW option) */ #define MEMP_NUM_RAW_PCB 4 /** * MEMP_NUM_UDP_PCB: the number of UDP protocol control blocks. One * per active UDP "connection". * (requires the LWIP_UDP option) */ #define MEMP_NUM_UDP_PCB 4 /** * MEMP_NUM_TCP_PCB: the number of simulatenously active TCP connections. * (requires the LWIP_TCP option) */ #define MEMP_NUM_TCP_PCB 2 /** * MEMP_NUM_TCP_PCB_LISTEN: the number of listening TCP connections. * (requires the LWIP_TCP option) */ #define MEMP_NUM_TCP_PCB_LISTEN 8 /** * MEMP_NUM_TCP_SEG: the number of simultaneously queued TCP segments. * (requires the LWIP_TCP option) */ #define MEMP_NUM_TCP_SEG 16 /** * MEMP_NUM_ARP_QUEUE: the number of simulateously queued outgoing * packets (pbufs) that are waiting for an ARP request (to resolve * their destination address) to finish. * (requires the ARP_QUEUEING option) */ #define MEMP_NUM_ARP_QUEUE 2 /** * MEMP_NUM_SYS_TIMEOUT: the number of simultaneously active timeouts. * The default number of timeouts is calculated here for all enabled modules. * The formula expects settings to be either '0' or '1'. * * To this default value, 1 was added for the snmp_increment timer. */ #define MEMP_NUM_SYS_TIMEOUT (LWIP_TCP + IP_REASSEMBLY + LWIP_ARP + (2*LWIP_DHCP) + LWIP_AUTOIP + LWIP_IGMP + LWIP_DNS + PPP_SUPPORT + (LWIP_IPV6 ? (1 + LWIP_IPV6_REASS + LWIP_IPV6_MLD) : 0)) + 1 /** * MEMP_NUM_NETBUF: the number of struct netbufs. * (only needed if you use the sequential API, like api_lib.c) */ #define MEMP_NUM_NETBUF 0 /** * MEMP_NUM_NETCONN: the number of struct netconns. * (only needed if you use the sequential API, like api_lib.c) */ #define MEMP_NUM_NETCONN 0 /** * MEMP_NUM_TCPIP_MSG_API: the number of struct tcpip_msg, which are used * for callback/timeout API communication. * (only needed if you use tcpip.c) */ #define MEMP_NUM_TCPIP_MSG_API 0 /** * MEMP_NUM_TCPIP_MSG_INPKT: the number of struct tcpip_msg, which are used * for incoming packets. * (only needed if you use tcpip.c) */ #define MEMP_NUM_TCPIP_MSG_INPKT 0 /** * PBUF_POOL_SIZE: the number of buffers in the pbuf pool. */ #define PBUF_POOL_SIZE 32 /** * MEMP_OVERFLOW_CHECK: Memory pool overflow check switch. */ #define MEMP_OVERFLOW_CHECK 0 /* --------------------------------- ---------- ARP options ---------- --------------------------------- */ /** * LWIP_ARP==1: Enable ARP functionality. */ #define LWIP_ARP 1 /* -------------------------------- ---------- IP options ---------- -------------------------------- */ /** * IP_FORWARD==1: Enables the ability to forward IP packets across network * interfaces. If you are going to run lwIP on a device with only one network * interface, define this to 0. */ #define IP_FORWARD 0 /** * IP_OPTIONS: Defines the behavior for IP options. * IP_OPTIONS==0_ALLOWED: All packets with IP options are dropped. * IP_OPTIONS==1_ALLOWED: IP options are allowed (but not parsed). */ #define IP_OPTIONS_ALLOWED 1 /** * IP_REASSEMBLY==1: Reassemble incoming fragmented IP packets. Note that * this option does not affect outgoing packet sizes, which can be controlled * via IP_FRAG. */ #define IP_REASSEMBLY 1 /** * IP_FRAG==1: Fragment outgoing IP packets if their size exceeds MTU. Note * that this option does not affect incoming packet sizes, which can be * controlled via IP_REASSEMBLY. */ #define IP_FRAG 1 /** * IP_REASS_MAXAGE: Maximum time (in multiples of IP_TMR_INTERVAL - so seconds, normally) * a fragmented IP packet waits for all fragments to arrive. If not all fragments arrived * in this time, the whole packet is discarded. */ #define IP_REASS_MAXAGE 3 /** * IP_REASS_MAX_PBUFS: Total maximum amount of pbufs waiting to be reassembled. * Since the received pbufs are enqueued, be sure to configure * PBUF_POOL_SIZE > IP_REASS_MAX_PBUFS so that the stack is still able to receive * packets even if the maximum amount of fragments is enqueued for reassembly! */ #define IP_REASS_MAX_PBUFS 10 /** * IP_FRAG_USES_STATIC_BUF==1: Use a static MTU-sized buffer for IP * fragmentation. Otherwise pbufs are allocated and reference the original * packet data to be fragmented. */ #define IP_FRAG_USES_STATIC_BUF 0 /** * IP_DEFAULT_TTL: Default value for Time-To-Live used by transport layers. */ #define IP_DEFAULT_TTL 255 /* ---------------------------------- ---------- ICMP options ---------- ---------------------------------- */ /** * LWIP_ICMP==1: Enable ICMP module inside the IP stack. * Be careful, disable that make your product non-compliant to RFC1122 */ #define LWIP_ICMP 1 /** * ICMP_TTL: Default value for Time-To-Live used by ICMP packets. */ #define ICMP_TTL (IP_DEFAULT_TTL) /* --------------------------------- ---------- RAW options ---------- --------------------------------- */ /** * LWIP_RAW==1: Enable application layer to hook into the IP layer itself. */ #define LWIP_RAW 1 /* ---------------------------------- ---------- DHCP options ---------- ---------------------------------- */ /** * LWIP_DHCP==1: Enable DHCP module. */ #define LWIP_DHCP 0 /* ------------------------------------ ---------- AUTOIP options ---------- ------------------------------------ */ /** * LWIP_AUTOIP==1: Enable AUTOIP module. */ #define LWIP_AUTOIP 0 /* ---------------------------------- ---------- SNMP options ---------- ---------------------------------- */ /** * LWIP_SNMP==1: Turn on SNMP module. UDP must be available for SNMP * transport. */ #define LWIP_SNMP 1 #define LWIP_MIB2_CALLBACKS 0 #define MIB2_STATS 1 /* ---------------------------------- ---------- IGMP options ---------- ---------------------------------- */ /** * LWIP_IGMP==1: Turn on IGMP module. */ #define LWIP_IGMP 1 /* ---------------------------------- ---------- DNS options ----------- ---------------------------------- */ /** * LWIP_DNS==1: Turn on DNS module. UDP must be available for DNS * transport. */ #define LWIP_DNS 0 /* --------------------------------- ---------- UDP options ---------- --------------------------------- */ /** * LWIP_UDP==1: Turn on UDP. */ #define LWIP_UDP 1 /** * LWIP_UDPLITE==1: Turn on UDP-Lite. (Requires LWIP_UDP) */ #define LWIP_UDPLITE 0 /** * UDP_TTL: Default Time-To-Live value. */ #define UDP_TTL (IP_DEFAULT_TTL) /* --------------------------------- ---------- TCP options ---------- --------------------------------- */ /** * LWIP_TCP==1: Turn on TCP. */ #define LWIP_TCP 1 #define TCP_TTL 255 /* Controls if TCP should queue segments that arrive out of order. Define to 0 if your device is low on memory. */ #define TCP_QUEUE_OOSEQ 0 /* TCP Maximum segment size. */ #define TCP_MSS (1500 - 40) /* TCP sender buffer space (bytes). */ #define TCP_SND_BUF (4 * TCP_MSS) /* TCP_SND_QUEUELEN: TCP sender buffer space (pbufs). This must be at least as much as (2 * TCP_SND_BUF/TCP_MSS) for things to work. */ #define TCP_SND_QUEUELEN (2 * TCP_SND_BUF / TCP_MSS) /* TCP receive window. */ #define TCP_WND (2 * TCP_MSS) /* ---------------------------------- ---------- Pbuf options ---------- ---------------------------------- */ /** * PBUF_LINK_HLEN: the number of bytes that should be allocated for a * link level header. The default is 14, the standard value for * Ethernet. */ #define PBUF_LINK_HLEN 16 /* ------------------------------------ ---------- LOOPIF options ---------- ------------------------------------ */ /** * LWIP_HAVE_LOOPIF==1: Support loop interface ( and loopif.c */ #define LWIP_HAVE_LOOPIF 0 /* ---------------------------------------------- ---------- Sequential layer options ---------- ---------------------------------------------- */ /** * LWIP_NETCONN==1: Enable Netconn API (require to use api_lib.c) */ #define LWIP_NETCONN 0 /* ------------------------------------ ---------- Socket options ---------- ------------------------------------ */ /** * LWIP_SOCKET==1: Enable Socket API (require to use sockets.c) */ #define LWIP_SOCKET 0 /* ---------------------------------------- ---------- Statistics options ---------- ---------------------------------------- */ /** * LWIP_STATS==1: Enable statistics collection in lwip_stats. */ #define LWIP_STATS 1 /* Self-define data. */ /* LWIP MAC address define. */ #define LWIP_MAC_ADDR 0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x44, 0x55, 0x66 /* LWIP net host name define. */ #define LWIP_NETIF_HOSTNAME 1 #define LWIP_NETIF_HOSTNAME_TEXT "LwIP_Net" /* LWIP use IPV4 address. */ #define LWIP_IPV4 1 /* Ethernet link speed define. */ #define LWIP_LINK_SPEED_IN_BPS 100000000 /* LWIP gateway, IP address and netmask define. */ #define LWIP_INIT_IPADDR(addr) IP4_ADDR((addr), 192,168,0,10) #define LWIP_INIT_NETMASK(addr) IP4_ADDR((addr), 255,255,255,0) #define LWIP_INIT_GW(addr) IP4_ADDR((addr), 192,168,0,1) /* --------------------------------------- ---------- Debugging options ---------- --------------------------------------- */ #define TAPIF_DEBUG LWIP_DBG_ON #define TUNIF_DEBUG LWIP_DBG_OFF #define UNIXIF_DEBUG LWIP_DBG_OFF #define DELIF_DEBUG LWIP_DBG_OFF #define SIO_FIFO_DEBUG LWIP_DBG_OFF #define TCPDUMP_DEBUG LWIP_DBG_ON #define API_LIB_DEBUG LWIP_DBG_ON #define API_MSG_DEBUG LWIP_DBG_ON #define TCPIP_DEBUG LWIP_DBG_ON #define NETIF_DEBUG LWIP_DBG_ON #define SOCKETS_DEBUG LWIP_DBG_ON #define DEMO_DEBUG LWIP_DBG_ON #define IP_DEBUG LWIP_DBG_ON #define IP_REASS_DEBUG LWIP_DBG_ON #define RAW_DEBUG LWIP_DBG_ON #define ICMP_DEBUG LWIP_DBG_ON #define UDP_DEBUG LWIP_DBG_ON #define TCP_DEBUG LWIP_DBG_ON #define TCP_INPUT_DEBUG LWIP_DBG_ON #define TCP_OUTPUT_DEBUG LWIP_DBG_ON #define TCP_RTO_DEBUG LWIP_DBG_ON #define TCP_CWND_DEBUG LWIP_DBG_ON #define TCP_WND_DEBUG LWIP_DBG_ON #define TCP_FR_DEBUG LWIP_DBG_ON #define TCP_QLEN_DEBUG LWIP_DBG_ON #define TCP_RST_DEBUG LWIP_DBG_ON extern unsigned char debug_flags; #define LWIP_DBG_TYPES_ON debug_flags #endif /* LWIP_LWIPOPTS_H */
/* * Copyright (c) 2001-2003 Swedish Institute of Computer Science. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT * SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT * OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING * IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY * OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * This file is part of the lwIP TCP/IP stack. * * Author: Adam Dunkels <adam@sics.se> * */ #ifndef LWIP_ARCH_CC_H #define LWIP_ARCH_CC_H #include <stdio.h> #include <stdint.h> #define LWIP_NO_STDINT_H 1 /* Define generic types used in lwIP. */ typedef uint8_t u8_t; typedef int8_t s8_t; typedef uint16_t u16_t; typedef int16_t s16_t; typedef uint32_t u32_t; typedef int32_t s32_t; typedef uintptr_t mem_ptr_t; typedef int sys_prot_t; /* Define (sn)printf formatters for these lwIP types. */ #define X8_F "02x" #define U16_F "hu" #define S16_F "hd" #define X16_F "hx" #define U32_F "lu" #define S32_F "ld" #define X32_F "lx" #define SZT_F "lu" /* Little endian mode. */ #define BYTE_ORDER LITTLE_ENDIAN /* define compiler specific symbols */ #if defined (__ICCARM__) #define PACK_STRUCT_BEGIN #define PACK_STRUCT_STRUCT #define PACK_STRUCT_END #define PACK_STRUCT_FIELD(x) x #define PACK_STRUCT_USE_INCLUDES #elif defined (__CC_ARM) #define PACK_STRUCT_BEGIN __packed #define PACK_STRUCT_STRUCT #define PACK_STRUCT_END #define PACK_STRUCT_FIELD(x) x #elif defined (__GNUC__) #define PACK_STRUCT_BEGIN #define PACK_STRUCT_STRUCT __attribute__ ((__packed__)) #define PACK_STRUCT_END #define PACK_STRUCT_FIELD(x) x #elif defined (__TASKING__) #define PACK_STRUCT_BEGIN #define PACK_STRUCT_STRUCT #define PACK_STRUCT_END #define PACK_STRUCT_FIELD(x) x #endif #define LWIP_PLATFORM_ASSERT(x) do {printf("Assertion failed: "); printf("Assertion failed: ");}while(0) extern u32_t sys_now(void); #endif /* LWIP_ARCH_CC_H */
/* * Copyright (c) 2001-2003 Swedish Institute of Computer Science. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT * SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT * OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING * IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY * OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * This file is part of the lwIP TCP/IP stack. * * Author: Adam Dunkels <adam@sics.se> * */ #ifndef LWIP_ARCH_PERF_H #define LWIP_ARCH_PERF_H #define PERF_START /* null definition */ #define PERF_STOP(x) /* null definition */ #endif /* LWIP_ARCH_PERF_H */
在low_level_init函数中应当完成MAC地址的设置,同时调用网口驱动初始化函数,完成网络的初始化工作,low_level_init函数中已经指示了应当在哪些地方进行修改,下述代码是移植过程中的一个实例,其中带有“Add by myself start ”和“Add by myself end”注释部分是移植过程中添加的完善代码;
static void low_level_init(struct netif *netif) { struct ethernetif *ethernetif = netif->state; /* Add by myself start */ uint8_t aMacAddr[6] = {0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x44, 0x55, 0x66}; /* Add by myself end */ /* set MAC hardware address length */ netif->hwaddr_len = ETHARP_HWADDR_LEN; /* Add by myself start */ /* set MAC hardware address */ netif->hwaddr[0] = aMacAddr[0]; netif->hwaddr[1] = aMacAddr[1]; netif->hwaddr[2] = aMacAddr[2]; netif->hwaddr[3] = aMacAddr[3]; netif->hwaddr[4] = aMacAddr[4]; netif->hwaddr[5] = aMacAddr[5]; /* Add by myself end */ /* maximum transfer unit */ netif->mtu = 1500; /* Add by myself start */ /* Device ethernet port set. */ netif->num = ETHERNET_PORT0; /* Add by myself end*/ /* device capabilities */ /* don't set NETIF_FLAG_ETHARP if this device is not an ethernet one */ netif->flags = NETIF_FLAG_BROADCAST | NETIF_FLAG_ETHARP | NETIF_FLAG_LINK_UP; #if LWIP_IPV6 && LWIP_IPV6_MLD /* * For hardware/netifs that implement MAC filtering. * All-nodes link-local is handled by default, so we must let the hardware know * to allow multicast packets in. * Should set mld_mac_filter previously. */ if (netif->mld_mac_filter != NULL) { ip6_addr_t ip6_allnodes_ll; ip6_addr_set_allnodes_linklocal(&ip6_allnodes_ll); netif->mld_mac_filter(netif, &ip6_allnodes_ll, NETIF_ADD_MAC_FILTER); } #endif /* LWIP_IPV6 && LWIP_IPV6_MLD */ /* Do whatever else is needed to initialize interface. */ /* Add by myself start */ DevEthernetInit(netif->num); /* Add by myself end*/ }
在low_level_output函数中调用网卡数据发送接口,完成网络数据的发送工作,low_level_output函数中已经指示了应当在哪些地方进行修改,下述代码是移植过程中的一个实例,其中带有“Add by myself start ”和“Add by myself end”注释部分是移植过程中添加的完善代码;
static err_t low_level_output(struct netif *netif, struct pbuf *p) { struct ethernetif *ethernetif = netif->state; struct pbuf *q; // initiate transfer(); #if ETH_PAD_SIZE pbuf_header(p, -ETH_PAD_SIZE); /* drop the padding word */ #endif for (q = p; q != NULL; q = q->next) { /* Send the data from the pbuf to the interface, one pbuf at a time. The size of the data in each pbuf is kept in the ->len variable. */ // send data from(q->payload, q->len); /* Add by myself start */ DevEthernetSend(netif->num, q->payload, q->len); /* Add by myself end */ } // signal that packet should be sent(); MIB2_STATS_NETIF_ADD(netif, ifoutoctets, p->tot_len); if (((u8_t*)p->payload)[0] & 1) { /* broadcast or multicast packet*/ MIB2_STATS_NETIF_INC(netif, ifoutnucastpkts); } else { /* unicast packet */ MIB2_STATS_NETIF_INC(netif, ifoutucastpkts); } /* increase ifoutdiscards or ifouterrors on error */ #if ETH_PAD_SIZE pbuf_header(p, ETH_PAD_SIZE); /* reclaim the padding word */ #endif LINK_STATS_INC(link.xmit); return ERR_OK; }
在low_level_input函数中调用网卡数据接收接口,完成网络数据的接收工作,low_level_input函数中已经指示了应当在哪些地方进行修改,下述代码是移植过程中的一个实例,其中带有“Add by myself start ”和“Add by myself end”注释部分是移植过程中添加的完善代码;
static struct pbuf * low_level_input(struct netif *netif) { struct ethernetif *ethernetif = netif->state; struct pbuf *p, *q; u16_t len; /* Add by myself start */ uint8_t *pFrame = NULL; /* Add by myself end */ /* Obtain the size of the packet and put it into the "len" variable. */ /* Add by myself start */ len = DevEthernetGetRecvLength(netif->num); /* Add by myself end */ #if ETH_PAD_SIZE len += ETH_PAD_SIZE; /* allow room for Ethernet padding */ #endif /* We allocate a pbuf chain of pbufs from the pool. */ p = pbuf_alloc(PBUF_RAW, len, PBUF_POOL); if (p != NULL) { #if ETH_PAD_SIZE pbuf_header(p, -ETH_PAD_SIZE); /* drop the padding word */ #endif /* We iterate over the pbuf chain until we have read the entire * packet into the pbuf. */ for (q = p; q != NULL; q = q->next) { /* Read enough bytes to fill this pbuf in the chain. The * available data in the pbuf is given by the q->len * variable. * This does not necessarily have to be a memcpy, you can also preallocate * pbufs for a DMA-enabled MAC and after receiving truncate it to the * actually received size. In this case, ensure the tot_len member of the * pbuf is the sum of the chained pbuf len members. */ //read data into(q->payload, q->len); /* Add by myself start */ /* Receive data from MCU ethernet port. */ pFrame = (uint8_t *)DevEthernetRecv(netif->num); if (NULL != pFrame) { memcpy((uint8_t *)q->payload, pFrame, len); } /* Add by myself end */ } //acknowledge that packet has been read(); /* Add by myself start */ DevEthernetFreeRecvBuf(netif->num); /* Add by myself end */ MIB2_STATS_NETIF_ADD(netif, ifinoctets, p->tot_len); if (((u8_t*)p->payload)[0] & 1) { /* broadcast or multicast packet*/ MIB2_STATS_NETIF_INC(netif, ifinnucastpkts); } else { /* unicast packet*/ MIB2_STATS_NETIF_INC(netif, ifinucastpkts); } #if ETH_PAD_SIZE pbuf_header(p, ETH_PAD_SIZE); /* reclaim the padding word */ #endif LINK_STATS_INC(link.recv); } else { drop packet(); LINK_STATS_INC(link.memerr); LINK_STATS_INC(link.drop); MIB2_STATS_NETIF_INC(netif, ifindiscards); } return p; }
/* Self-define data. */ /* LWIP MAC address define. */ #define LWIP_MAC_ADDR 0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x44, 0x55, 0x66 /* LWIP net host name define. */ #define LWIP_NETIF_HOSTNAME 1 #define LWIP_NETIF_HOSTNAME_TEXT "LwIP_Net" /* LWIP use IPV4 address. */ #define LWIP_IPV4 1 /* Ethernet link speed define. */ #define LWIP_LINK_SPEED_IN_BPS 100000000 /* LWIP gateway, IP address and netmask define. */ #define LWIP_INIT_IPADDR(addr) IP4_ADDR((addr), 192,168,0,10) #define LWIP_INIT_NETMASK(addr) IP4_ADDR((addr), 255,255,255,0) #define LWIP_INIT_GW(addr) IP4_ADDR((addr), 192,168,0,1)
void LwIP_Init(void) { #if LWIP_IPV4 ip4_addr_t ipaddr, netmask, gw; #if (!LWIP_DHCP) && (!LWIP_AUTOIP) LWIP_INIT_GW(&gw); LWIP_INIT_IPADDR(&ipaddr); LWIP_INIT_NETMASK(&netmask); #endif /* (!LWIP_DHCP) && (!LWIP_AUTOIP) */ #endif /* LWIP_IPV4 */ /* LwIP service init process. */ lwip_init(); /* Config netif layer parameters. */ netif_set_default(netif_add(&gnetif, &ipaddr, &netmask, &gw, NULL, ethernetif_init, netif_input)); /* Check to set netif up flag. */ if (netif_is_link_up(&gnetif)) { /* If netif link is fully configured, this function must be called. */ netif_set_up(&gnetif); } else { /* If netif link is down, this function must be called. */ netif_set_down(&gnetif); } }
void LwIPTestProcess(void) { /* Ethernet data receiving process. */ ethernetif_input(&gnetif); /* Check LwIP timeout event. */ sys_check_timeouts(); }
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