使用网上找的激活方式,激活之后老是有弹窗,内容如下: This agent is for learning and research purposes only.Do nto user it for commercial purposes! For commercial user,please contact the Jetbrains to purchase some licenses,please support genuine! If you have any questions about this agent,please visit https://zhile.io and feedback. Placing the unmodified “important.txt” in the zip file with the agent jar in the same directory will avoid this dialog. 解决方法:找到 jetbrains-agent.jar→META-INF → important.txt,将important.txt复制到IDEA安装目录下的bin目录下,重启IDEA,亲测有效! 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1UltJzwQ0y9BVOAIeBmrI5g
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