本文为博客—(使用google cloud部署基于flask的网站)的后续部分😎 2.添加Certbot Ubuntu存储库: 3.安装Certbot的Nginx软件包: 4.Certbot提供了多种通过插件获取SSL证书的方法。Nginx插件将负责重新配置Nginx并在必要时重新加载配置。要使用此插件,请键入以下内容: 将输出: 选择1或者2,然后按 我们不再需要冗余HTTP配置文件配置: 下次访问,请使用==https://==导航到你的域 不过,立即查看的时候,小锁头没有立即出现,但是过了5分钟,再次访问,你就发现,有小锁头了欸!👏
本文内容的目的使确保到你的服务器的流量是安全的,并使用“Let’s Encrypt”来获取免费的证书;
1.升级ubuntu的apt,并且下载一些libraries,否则下一步会出现bugsudo apt update sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:certbot/certbot
sudo apt install python-certbot-nginx
sudo certbot --nginx -d your_domain -d www.your_domain
Output Please choose whether or not to redirect HTTP traffic to HTTPS, removing HTTP access. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1: No redirect - Make no further changes to the webserver configuration. 2: Redirect - Make all requests redirect to secure HTTPS access. Choose this for new sites, or if you're confident your site works on HTTPS. You can undo this change by editing your web server's configuration. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Select the appropriate number [1-2] then [enter] (press 'c' to cancel):
下面是正常的输出代码,恭喜你,你的网站现在安全了!NOTES: - Congratulations! Your certificate and chain have been saved at: /etc/letsencrypt/live/your_domain/fullchain.pem Your key file has been saved at: /etc/letsencrypt/live/your_domain/privkey.pem Your cert will expire on 2018-07-23. To obtain a new or tweaked version of this certificate in the future, simply run certbot again with the "certonly" option. To non-interactively renew *all* of your certificates, run "certbot renew" - Your account credentials have been saved in your Certbot configuration directory at /etc/letsencrypt. You should make a secure backup of this folder now. This configuration directory will also contain certificates and private keys obtained by Certbot so making regular backups of this folder is ideal. - If you like Certbot, please consider supporting our work by: Donating to ISRG / Let's Encrypt: https://letsencrypt.org/donate Donating to EFF: https://eff.org/donate-le
sudo ufw delete allow 'Nginx HTTP'
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