最近任务需求,特殊模式下任务管理界面 不能打开某个APK 任务管理界面下单个task的onClick或者onTouch 首先找到Recents 源码 位于systemui 中 这里我们直接打开RecentsActivity.java 文件 在RecentsActivity 的oncreate中发现setContentView为recents资源文件 这里我们看到代码及注释,说明是一个自定义view – RecentsView 我们可以看到RecentsView是继承 FrameLayout的一个自定义View RecentsView 中 有三个view 一个TaskStackView 两个Textview mStackActionButton即全部清除按钮,mEmptyView 即当TaskStack(Task的集合) 数量为空时显示的TextView,因此我们平时见到的APP的任务管理应该是在TaskStackView中的 然后分析TaskStackView 发现 TaskStackViewTouchHandler 这个应该是和Touch事件有关,因此我们进入 TaskStackViewTouchHandler中 可以看到上面的注释 说明它是 处理TaskStackView 触摸事件的类 TaskStackViewTouchHandler 中有onInterceptTouchEvent和onTouchEvent 看到它都调用到了 handleTouchEvent 下面是整个handleTouchEvent的代码 分析发现,在handleTouchEvent 中 当MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN时 通过mActiveTaskView = findViewAtPoint(mDownX, mDownY);得到了一个TaskView findViewAtPoint实现 这里我们直接进入TaskView.java中查看 看到这里有实现点击事件的代码,这里我们加个Log打印,验证点击视图时是否经过这里 通过打印验证 的确是走的这个地方,那么我们这里可以看到主要是通过eventBus发送了一个 LaunchTaskEvent事件 LaunchTaskEvent源码 因此我们直接在recents中搜索哪个地方的方法用到了LaunchTaskEvent 这里看到只在TaskStackView和RecentsView中有使用到LaunchTaskEvent,其余的都是eventBus发送事件,所以我们就不用管了 然后下面看TaskStackView中的实现,很明显不是的,因此我们可以先确定是在RecentsView中的方法中 如下图所示,这个我们看它用的方法,通过mTransitionHelper去launchTaskFromRecents。这里从字面意思应该不难看出,地方已经找对了 launchTaskFromRecents即从recents中运行一个task。 然后我们在launchTaskFromRecents方法中发现有一个startTaskActivity方法 关键代码 ssp.startActivityFromRecents 从Recents 中启动activity 至此,已经找到了任务管理中启动task的地方,我们这里只需要在RecentsView.java的onBusEvent方法中拦截即可 比如任务管理中不能打开相册 前言
public RecentsView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr, int defStyleRes) { super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr, defStyleRes); setWillNotDraw(false); SystemServicesProxy ssp = Recents.getSystemServices(); mTransitionHelper = new RecentsTransitionHelper(getContext()); mDividerSize = ssp.getDockedDividerSize(context); mTouchHandler = new RecentsViewTouchHandler(this); mFlingAnimationUtils = new FlingAnimationUtils(context, 0.3f); mScrimAlpha = Recents.getConfiguration().isGridEnabled ? GRID_LAYOUT_SCRIM_ALPHA : DEFAULT_SCRIM_ALPHA; mBackgroundScrim = new ColorDrawable( Color.argb((int) (mScrimAlpha * 255), 0, 0, 0)).mutate(); LayoutInflater inflater = LayoutInflater.from(context); if (RecentsDebugFlags.Static.EnableStackActionButton) { mStackActionButton = (TextView) inflater.inflate(R.layout.recents_stack_action_button, this, false); mStackActionButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { EventBus.getDefault().send(new DismissAllTaskViewsEvent()); } }); addView(mStackActionButton); } mEmptyView = (TextView) inflater.inflate(R.layout.recents_empty, this, false); addView(mEmptyView); }
private boolean handleTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) { // Short circuit if we have no children if (mSv.getTaskViews().size() == 0) { return false; } final TaskStackLayoutAlgorithm layoutAlgorithm = mSv.mLayoutAlgorithm; int action = ev.getAction(); switch (action & MotionEvent.ACTION_MASK) { case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN: { // Stop the current scroll if it is still flinging mScroller.stopScroller(); mScroller.stopBoundScrollAnimation(); mScroller.resetDeltaScroll(); cancelNonDismissTaskAnimations(); mSv.cancelDeferredTaskViewLayoutAnimation(); // Save the touch down info mDownX = (int) ev.getX(); mDownY = (int) ev.getY(); mLastY = mDownY; mDownScrollP = mScroller.getStackScroll(); mActivePointerId = ev.getPointerId(0); mActiveTaskView = findViewAtPoint(mDownX, mDownY); Log.e("zhuwww"," mActiveTaskView n"); // Initialize the velocity tracker initOrResetVelocityTracker(); mVelocityTracker.addMovement(ev); break; } case MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_DOWN: { final int index = ev.getActionIndex(); mActivePointerId = ev.getPointerId(index); mDownX = (int) ev.getX(index); mDownY = (int) ev.getY(index); mLastY = mDownY; mDownScrollP = mScroller.getStackScroll(); mScroller.resetDeltaScroll(); mVelocityTracker.addMovement(ev); break; } case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE: { int activePointerIndex = ev.findPointerIndex(mActivePointerId); int y = (int) ev.getY(activePointerIndex); int x = (int) ev.getX(activePointerIndex); if (!mIsScrolling) { int yDiff = Math.abs(y - mDownY); int xDiff = Math.abs(x - mDownX); if (Math.abs(y - mDownY) > mScrollTouchSlop && yDiff > xDiff) { mIsScrolling = true; float stackScroll = mScroller.getStackScroll(); List<TaskView> taskViews = mSv.getTaskViews(); for (int i = taskViews.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { layoutAlgorithm.addUnfocusedTaskOverride(taskViews.get(i).getTask(), stackScroll); } layoutAlgorithm.setFocusState(TaskStackLayoutAlgorithm.STATE_UNFOCUSED); // Disallow parents from intercepting touch events final ViewParent parent = mSv.getParent(); if (parent != null) { parent.requestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent(true); } MetricsLogger.action(mSv.getContext(), MetricsEvent.OVERVIEW_SCROLL); mLastY = mDownY = y; } } if (mIsScrolling) { // If we just move linearly on the screen, then that would map to 1/arclength // of the curve, so just move the scroll proportional to that float deltaP = layoutAlgorithm.getDeltaPForY(mDownY, y); // Modulate the overscroll to prevent users from pulling the stack too far float minScrollP = layoutAlgorithm.mMinScrollP; float maxScrollP = layoutAlgorithm.mMaxScrollP; float curScrollP = mDownScrollP + deltaP; if (curScrollP < minScrollP || curScrollP > maxScrollP) { float clampedScrollP = Utilities.clamp(curScrollP, minScrollP, maxScrollP); float overscrollP = (curScrollP - clampedScrollP); float overscrollX = Math.abs(overscrollP) / MAX_OVERSCROLL; float interpX = OVERSCROLL_INTERP.getInterpolation(overscrollX); curScrollP = clampedScrollP + Math.signum(overscrollP) * (interpX * MAX_OVERSCROLL); } mDownScrollP += mScroller.setDeltaStackScroll(mDownScrollP, curScrollP - mDownScrollP); mStackViewScrolledEvent.updateY(y - mLastY); EventBus.getDefault().send(mStackViewScrolledEvent); } mLastY = y; mVelocityTracker.addMovement(ev); break; } case MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_UP: { int pointerIndex = ev.getActionIndex(); int pointerId = ev.getPointerId(pointerIndex); if (pointerId == mActivePointerId) { // Select a new active pointer id and reset the motion state final int newPointerIndex = (pointerIndex == 0) ? 1 : 0; mActivePointerId = ev.getPointerId(newPointerIndex); mDownX = (int) ev.getX(pointerIndex); mDownY = (int) ev.getY(pointerIndex); mLastY = mDownY; mDownScrollP = mScroller.getStackScroll(); } mVelocityTracker.addMovement(ev); break; } case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP: { mVelocityTracker.addMovement(ev); mVelocityTracker.computeCurrentVelocity(1000, mMaximumVelocity); int activePointerIndex = ev.findPointerIndex(mActivePointerId); int y = (int) ev.getY(activePointerIndex); int velocity = (int) mVelocityTracker.getYVelocity(mActivePointerId); if (mIsScrolling) { if (mScroller.isScrollOutOfBounds()) { mScroller.animateBoundScroll(); } else if (Math.abs(velocity) > mMinimumVelocity) { float minY = mDownY + layoutAlgorithm.getYForDeltaP(mDownScrollP, layoutAlgorithm.mMaxScrollP); float maxY = mDownY + layoutAlgorithm.getYForDeltaP(mDownScrollP, layoutAlgorithm.mMinScrollP); mScroller.fling(mDownScrollP, mDownY, y, velocity, (int) minY, (int) maxY, mOverscrollSize); mSv.invalidate(); } // Reset the focused task after the user has scrolled, but we have no scrolling // in grid layout and therefore we don't want to reset the focus there. if (!mSv.mTouchExplorationEnabled && !mSv.useGridLayout()) { mSv.resetFocusedTask(mSv.getFocusedTask()); } } else if (mActiveTaskView == null) { // This tap didn't start on a task. maybeHideRecentsFromBackgroundTap((int) ev.getX(), (int) ev.getY()); } mActivePointerId = INACTIVE_POINTER_ID; mIsScrolling = false; recycleVelocityTracker(); break; } case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL: { mActivePointerId = INACTIVE_POINTER_ID; mIsScrolling = false; recycleVelocityTracker(); break; } } return mIsScrolling; }
EventBus.getDefault().send(new LaunchTaskEvent(this, mTask, null, INVALID_STACK_ID, screenPinningRequested));
public void launchTaskFromRecents(final TaskStack stack, @Nullable final Task task, final TaskStackView stackView, final TaskView taskView, final boolean screenPinningRequested, final int destinationStack) { final ActivityOptions.OnAnimationStartedListener animStartedListener; final AppTransitionAnimationSpecsFuture transitionFuture; if (taskView != null) { // Fetch window rect here already in order not to be blocked on lock contention in WM // when the future calls it. final Rect windowRect = Recents.getSystemServices().getWindowRect(); transitionFuture = getAppTransitionFuture( () -> composeAnimationSpecs(task, stackView, destinationStack, windowRect)); animStartedListener = () -> { // If we are launching into another task, cancel the previous task's // window transition EventBus.getDefault().send(new CancelEnterRecentsWindowAnimationEvent(task)); EventBus.getDefault().send(new ExitRecentsWindowFirstAnimationFrameEvent()); stackView.cancelAllTaskViewAnimations(); if (screenPinningRequested) { // Request screen pinning after the animation runs mStartScreenPinningRunnable.taskId = task.key.id; mHandler.postDelayed(mStartScreenPinningRunnable, 350); } }; } else { // This is only the case if the task is not on screen (scrolled offscreen for example) transitionFuture = null; animStartedListener = () -> { // If we are launching into another task, cancel the previous task's // window transition EventBus.getDefault().send(new CancelEnterRecentsWindowAnimationEvent(task)); EventBus.getDefault().send(new ExitRecentsWindowFirstAnimationFrameEvent()); stackView.cancelAllTaskViewAnimations(); }; } final ActivityOptions opts = ActivityOptions.makeMultiThumbFutureAspectScaleAnimation(mContext, mHandler, transitionFuture != null ? transitionFuture.future : null, animStartedListener, true /* scaleUp */); if (taskView == null) { // If there is no task view, then we do not need to worry about animating out occluding // task views, and we can launch immediately startTaskActivity(stack, task, taskView, opts, transitionFuture, destinationStack); } else { LaunchTaskStartedEvent launchStartedEvent = new LaunchTaskStartedEvent(taskView, screenPinningRequested); if (task.group != null && !task.group.isFrontMostTask(task)) { launchStartedEvent.addPostAnimationCallback(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { startTaskActivity(stack, task, taskView, opts, transitionFuture, destinationStack); } }); EventBus.getDefault().send(launchStartedEvent); } else { EventBus.getDefault().send(launchStartedEvent); startTaskActivity(stack, task, taskView, opts, transitionFuture, destinationStack); } } Recents.getSystemServices().sendCloseSystemWindows( StatusBar.SYSTEM_DIALOG_REASON_HOME_KEY); }
private void startTaskActivity(TaskStack stack, Task task, @Nullable TaskView taskView, ActivityOptions opts, AppTransitionAnimationSpecsFuture transitionFuture, int destinationStack) { SystemServicesProxy ssp = Recents.getSystemServices(); ssp.startActivityFromRecents(mContext, task.key, task.title, opts, destinationStack, succeeded -> { if (succeeded) { // Keep track of the index of the task launch int taskIndexFromFront = 0; int taskIndex = stack.indexOfStackTask(task); if (taskIndex > -1) { taskIndexFromFront = stack.getTaskCount() - taskIndex - 1; } EventBus.getDefault().send(new LaunchTaskSucceededEvent(taskIndexFromFront)); } else { // Dismiss the task if we fail to launch it if (taskView != null) { taskView.dismissTask(); } // Keep track of failed launches EventBus.getDefault().send(new LaunchTaskFailedEvent()); } }); if (transitionFuture != null) { mHandler.post(transitionFuture::precacheSpecs); } }
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