一、insert —————- 新增
People people= new People(); people.setId("001"); people.setAge("18"); people.setName("xianYu"); peopleDAO.insert (people);
相当于:insert into people(id, age, name) values (‘001’, ‘18’, ‘xianYu’);
二、updateByPrimaryKey —————- 根据主键ID更新
People people= new People(); people.setId("001"); people.setAge("20"); people.setName("chouXianYu"); peopleDAO.updateByPrimaryKey(people);
相当于update people set age = ‘20’, name = ‘chouXianYu’ where id = ‘001’
三、selectByPrimaryKey —————- 根据主键ID查询
People people = new People(); people = peopleDAO.selectByPrimaryKey("001");
相当于select * form people where id = ‘001’;
四、selectByExample —————- 根据条件查询返回列表
Example exampl = new Example (People.class); Criteria = criteria = exampl .createCriteria(); criteria.andNameEqualTo("xianYu"); criteria.andAgeIsNull(); exampl.setOrderByClause("name asc, age desc"); List<People> people = peopleDAO.selectByExample(exampl);
相当于:select * from people where name = ‘xianYu’ and age is null order by name asc,age desc;
Example exampl = new Example (People.class); Criteria = criteria = exampl .createCriteria(); criteria.andEqualTo("name","xianYu").andEqualTo("age","18"); List<People> people = peopleDAO.selectByExample(exampl);
相当于:select * from people where name = ‘xianYu’ and age = ‘18’;
Note:在iBator 生成的文件Example.java中包含一个static 的内部类 Criteria ,在Criteria中有很多方法,主要是定义SQL 语句where后的查询条件。
五、selectOne —————- 根据条件查询返回对象
People people = new People(); people.setName("xianYu"); people.setAge("18"); people = peopleDAO.selectOne(people);
相当于:select * from people where name = ‘xianYu’ and age = ‘18’;
Note: selectOne方法在使用的时候一定要对查询出的对象做盼空
六、countByExample —————->根据条件数量
Example exampl = new Example (People.class); Criteria = criteria = exampl .createCriteria(); criteria.andNameEqualTo("xianYu"); int count = peopleDAO.countByExample(exampl);
相当于:select count(*) from people where name = ‘xianYu’;
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