2020-4-20 2020-4-21 1.查询工资最低的员工信息:last_name, salary 2.查询平均工资最低的部门信息 3.查询平均工资最低的部门信息和该部门的平均工资 4.查询平均工资最高的job信息 5.查询平均工资高于公司平均工资的部门信息 6.查询出公司中所有manager的详细信息 7.各个部门中 最高工资中最低的那个部门的 最低工资是多少 8.查询平均工资最高的部门的manager的详细信息:last_name, department_id, email, salary 方法1 方法2 查看隔离级别: 修改隔离级别: 脏读 比如说我们同时进行两个事务并对同一个表进行处理, 当我们修改表中的内容但未提交事务时,在另外一个事务中查看表内容时,会发现数据被修改了,这就是脏读 不可重复读 类似于脏读,但是是在另一个事务提交后才会出现,而脏读则是只要在另外一个事务中修改,当前事务的表数据就会发生改变 幻读 当我们在当前表对数据的所有行进行修改时,此时另一事务正在添加一行数据,这时,我们的当前表处理就会多出一行,这就是幻读 1.创建视图emp_v1, 要求查询电话号码以’011’开头的员工姓名,工资,还有邮箱 2.创建视图emp_v2, 要求查询部门的最高工资高于12000的部门信息 修改 删除 添加 1. 包含以下关键字的sql语句, distinct, group by, having, union, union all 3. 常量视图 4. select中包含子查询 5. join一个不能更新的视图 truncate不能回滚 delect可以回滚 1.创建表Book表, 字段如下 bid 整形, 要求主键 已知bookType表(不用创建), 字段如下: 3.创建视图, 实现查询价格大于100的书名和类型名 4.修改视图,实现查询价格在90-120之间的书名和价格 5.删除刚才建的视图 一. 创建存储过程实现传入用户名和密码,插入到admin表中 二.创建存储过程或函数实现传入女神编号,返回女神名称和女神电话 三.创建存储过程或函数实现传入两个女神的生日,返回大小 四.创建存储过程或函数实现传入一个日期,格式化成xx年xx月xx日并返回 五. 创建存储过程或函数实现传入女神名称,返回:女神AND男神 格式的字符串 六.创建存储过程或函数,根据传入的条目数和起始索引,查询beauty表的记录 1.创建一个函数,实现传递两个float, 返回两者之和
mysql 基础
select e.last_name, d.department_id, d.department_name from departments d, employees e where e.department_id = d.department_id;
select job_id, location_id from employees e, departments d where e.department_id = d.department_id and e.department_id = 90
select e.last_name, d.department_name, l.location_id, l.city from employees e, departments d, locations l where e.department_id = d.department_id and d.location_id = l.location_id and e.commission_pct is not null
select department_name, job_title, min(salary) from departments d, jobs j, employees e where d.department_id = e.department_id and e.job_id = j.job_id group by department_name, job_title
select count(*) 部门个数, country_id from departments d, locations l where d.location_id = l.location_id group by country_id having 部门个数>2
select e.last_name employees, e.employee_id "Emp#", m.last_name manager, m.employee_id "Mgr#" from employees e, employees m where e.manager_id = m.employee_id
select last_name, salary from employees e where e.salary = ( select min(salary) from employees )
select e.department_id from employees e group by e.employee_id order by avg(salary) limit 1
select d.*, ag from departments d join ( select avg(salary) ag, department_id from employees group by department_id order by avg(salary) limit 1 ) ag_dep on ag_dep.department_id = d.department_id
select avg(salary), job_id from employees group by employee_id order by avg(salary) desc limit 1
select avg(salary), department_id from employees group by department_id having avg(salary) > ( select avg(salary) from employees )
select * from employees where employee_id = any( select distinct manager_id from employees where manager_id is not null )
select min(salary), department_id from employees where department_id = ( select department_id from employees group by department_id order by max(salary) limit 1 )
select last_name, department_id, email, salary from employees where employee_id = any( select manager_id from employees where department_id = ( select department_id from employees group by employee_id order by avg(salary) desc limit 1 ) )
select last_name, e.department_id, email, salary from employees e inner join departments d on d.manager_id = e.employee_id where d.department_id = ( select department_id from employees group by employee_id order by avg(salary) desc limit 1 )
select @@tx_ioslation
set session|global transaction ioslation level 隔离级别
create or replace view emp_v2 as select last_name, salary, email from employees where phone_number like '011%'
create or replace view emp_v3 as select max(salary), department_id from employees group by department_id having max(salary)>12000 select d.* from departments d inner join emp_v3 e on d.department_id = e.department_id
updata 视图名 set
delect from 视图名
insert into 视图名 value()
create or replace view emp_v as select "张三" as name
create or replace view emp_v as select (select last_name from employees)
6. from一个不能更新的视图
7. where字句的子查询用了from字句中的表 create or replace view emp_v as select e.* from employees where employees_id=( select manager_id from employees where manager_id is not null )
truncate 和 delect在事务中的区别
bname 字符型, 要求设置唯一键, 并非空
price 浮点型, 要求有默认值 10
btypeId 类型编号, 要求引用bookType表的id字段create table Book( bid int primary key, bname varchar(20) unique not null, price float default 10, btypeld int, foreign key(btypeld) references bookType(id) )
2, 开启事务
向表中插入1行数据,并结束set autocommit = 0 inset into book(bid, bname, price, btypeId) values(...) commit|rockback;
create or replace view myv1 as select bname, name from book b inner join bookType bt on bt.id = b.btypeId where price>100
create or replace view myv1 as select bname, price from book where price between 90 and 120
drop view myv1
delimiter $ create procedure my_pro1(in username varchar(20), in password int) begin insert into admin(admin.username, admin.password) values(username, password); end $ set names gbk$ call my_pro1("..", "..")
delimiter $ create procedure my_pro2(in id int, out name varchar(20), out phone varchar(20)) begin select b.name, b.phone into name, phone from beauty b where b.id = id; end $ call my_pro2(1, @name, @phone)
delimiter $ create procedure my_pro3(in birth1 datetime, in birth2 datetime, out result int) begin select datediff(birth1, birth2) into result; end $
delimiter $ create procedure my_pro4(in mydate datetime, out strDate varchar(20)) begin select date_format(mydate, "%y年%m月%d日") into strDate; end $
delimiter $ create procedure my_pro5(in name varchar(20), out cpname varchar(50)) begin select concat(b.name,"AND", ifnull(bo.boyname, "null")) into cpname from boys bo right join beauty b on bo.id = b.boyfriend_id where b.name = name; end $
delimiter $ create procedure my_pro6(in size int, in startindex int) begin select * from beauty limit startindex, size; end $
delimiter $ create function my_fun1(num1 float, num2 float) returns float begin declare sum float default 0; set sum=num1+num2; return sum; end $ select my_fun1(1,3)
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