世界上最遥远的距离,不是生与死,而是…… 你亲手创造出来的bug就在眼前,可你怎么也找不到! 关于这个游戏: 这个程序写完可能会比较久~ 因为8月要参加奥数比赛,所以最近每天要花3,4个小时刷题,写Python的时间被严重压缩……呜~ 昨天没发,今天把两天的代码都发了!(拖延症患者在此……各位大佬随便催更~) 上篇链接~: 截止到现在的所有代码~:(250行左右~) 哦吼!终于把碰撞检测写完了!我太难了…… 预计明天完结~ 还剩主程序了!明天一定加油写完!我爱Python~ 您的催更是我的动力~(某位不知名Python小白~) 尽情催更吧! 溜了溜了~
Hi~ o( ̄▽ ̄)ブ 我又双叒叕来啦~ 等你很久啦~
#导入模块 import pygame from pygame.locals import * import sys,random,time,math class GameWindow(object): '''游戏窗口类''' def __init__(self,*args,**kw): self.window_length = 600 self.window_wide = 500 #绘制游戏窗口,设置窗口大小 self.game_window = pygame.display.set_mode((self.window_length,self.window_wide)) #游戏窗口标题 pygame.display.set_caption("CatchBallGame") #游戏窗口背景颜色 self.window_color = (135,206,250) def backgroud(self): #绘制游戏窗口背景颜色 self.game_window.fill(self.window_color) class Ball(object): '''Ball类''' def __init__(self,*args,**kw): #设置球的半径、颜色、移动速度参数 self.ball_color = (255,215,0) self.move_x = 1 self.move_y = 1 self.radius = 10 def ballready(self): #设置球的初始位置 self.ball_x = self.mouse_x self.ball_y = self.window_wide-self.rect_wide-self.radius #绘制球,设置反弹触发の条件,self.ball_color,(self.ball_x,self.ball_y),self.radius) def ballmove(self): #绘制球,设置反弹触发の条件,self.ball_color,(self.ball_x,self.ball_y),self.radius) self.ball_x += self.move_x self.ball_y -= self.move_y #调用碰撞检测函数(终于写完了!) self.ball_window() self.ball_rect() #每接5次球球速增加一倍 if self.distance < self.radius: self.frequency += 1 if self.frequency == 5: self.frequency = 0 self.move_x += self.move_x self.move_y += self.move_y self.point += self.point #设置游戏失败的条件 if self.ball_y > 520: self.gameover = self.over_font.render("Game Over",False,(0,0,0)) self.game_window.blit(self.gameover,(100,130)) self.over_sign = 1 class Rect(object): '''球拍类''' def __init__(self,*args,**kw): #设置球拍颜色 self.rect_color = (255,0,0) self.rect_length = 100 self.rect_wide = 10 def rectmove(self): #鼠标位置 self.mouse_x,self.mouse_y = pygame.mouse.get_pos() #绘制球拍,限定横向边界 if self.mouse_x >= self.window_length-self.rect_length//2: self.mouse_x = self.window_length-self.rect_length//2 if self.mouse_x <= self.rect_length//2: self.mouse_x = self.rect_length//2 pygame.draw.rect(self.game_window,self.rect_color,((self.mouse_x-self.rect_length//2),(self.window_wide-self.rect_wide),self.rect_length,self.rect_wide)) class Brick(object): def __init__(self,*args,**kw): #设置砖块颜色 self.brick_color = (139,126,102) self.brick_list = [[1,1,1,1,1,1],[1,1,1,1,1,1],[1,1,1,1,1,1],[1,1,1,1,1,1],[1,1,1,1,1,1]] self.brick_length = 80 self.brick_wide = 20 def brickarrange(self): for i in range(5): for j in range(6): self.brick_x = j*(self.brick_length+24) self.brick_y = i*(self.brick_wide+20)+40 if self.brick_list[i][j] == 1: #绘制砖块 pygame.draw.rect(self.game_window,self.brick_color,(self.brick_x,self.brick_y,self.brick_length,self.brick_wide)) #调用碰撞检测函数 self.ball_brick() if self.distanceb < self.radius: self.brick_list[i][j] = 0 self.score += self.point #设置游戏胜利条件 if self.brick_list == [[0,0,0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0,0,0]]: = self.win_font.render("You Win",False,(0,0,0)) self.game_window.blit(,(100,130)) self.win_sign = 1 class Score(object): '''分数类''' def __init__(self,*args,**kw): #设置初始分数 self.score = 0 #设置分数的字体 self.score_font = pygame.font.SysFont('arial',20) #设置初始加分 self.point = 1 #设置初始接球次数 self.frequency = 0 def countscore(self): #绘制玩家分数 my_score = self.score_font.render(str(self.score),False,(255,255,255)) self.game_window.blit(my_score,(555,15)) class GameOver(object): '''游戏结束类''' def __init__(self,*args,**kw): #设置Game Over字体 self.over_font = pygame.font.SysFont('arial',80) #Game Over标识 self.over_sign = 0 class Win(object): '''游戏胜利类''' def __init__(self,*args,**kw): #设置You Win字体 self.win_font = pygame.font.SysFont('arial',80) #定义Win标识 self.win_sign = 0 class Collision(object): '''碰撞检测类''' #球与窗口边框的碰撞检测 def ball_window(self): if self.ball_x <= self.radius or self.ball_x >= (self.window_length-self.radius): self.move_x = -self.move_x if self.ball_y <= self.radius: self.move_y = -self.move_y #球与球拍的碰撞检测 def ball_rect(self): #碰撞标识 self.collision_sign_x = 0 self.collision_sign_y = 0 if self.ball_x < (self.mouse_x-self.rect_length//2): self.closestpoint_x = self.mouse_x-self.rect_length//2 self.collision_sign_x = 1 elif self.ball_x > (self.mouse_x+self.rect_length//2): self.closestpoint_x = self.mouse_x+self.rect_length//2 self.collision_sign_x = 2 else: self.closestpoint_x = self.ball_x self.collision_sign_x = 3 if self.ball_y < (self.window_wide-self.rect_wide): self.closestpoint_y = (self.window_wide-self.rect_wide) self.collision_sign_y = 1 elif self.ball_y > self.window_wide: self.closestpoint_y = self.window_wide self.collision_sign_y = 2 else: self.closestpoint_y = self.ball_y self.collision_sign_y = 3 self.distance = math.sqrt(math.pow(self.closestpoint_x-self.ball_x,2)+math.pow(self.closestpoint_y-self.ball_y,2)) #球在球拍上左、上中、上右3种情况的碰撞检测 if self.distance < self.radius and self.collision_sign_y == 1 and (self.collision_sign_x == 1 or self.collision_sign_x == 2): if self.collision_sign_x == 1 and self.move_x > 0: self.move_x = - self.move_x self.move_y = - self.move_y if self.collision_sign_x == 1 and self.move_x < 0: self.move_y = - self.move_y if self.collision_sign_x == 2 and self.move_x < 0: self.move_x = - self.move_x self.move_y = - self.move_y if self.collision_sign_x == 2 and self.move_x > 0: self.move_y = - self.move_y if self.distance < self.radius and self.collision_sign_y == 1 and self.collision_sign_x == 3: self.move_y = - self.move_y #球在球拍左、右两侧中间的碰撞检测 if self.distance < self.radius and self.collision_sign_y == 3: self.move_x = - self.move_x #球与砖块的碰撞检测 def ball_brick(self): #定义碰撞标识 self.collision_sign_bx = 0 self.collision_sign_by = 0 if self.ball_x < self.brick_x: self.closestpoint_bx = self.brick_x self.collision_sign_bx = 1 elif self.ball_x > self.brick_x+self.brick_length: self.closestpoint_bx = self.brick_x+self.brick_length self.collision_sign_bx = 2 else: self.closestpoint_bx = self.ball_x self.collision_sign_bx = 3 if self.ball_y < self.brick_y: self.closestpoint_by = self.brick_y self.collision_sign_by = 1 elif self.ball_y > self.brick_y+self.brick_wide: self.closestpoint_by = self.brick_y+self.brick_wide self.collision_sign_by = 2 else: self.closestpoint_by = self.ball_y self.collision_sign_by = 3 self.distanceb = math.sqrt(math.pow(self.closestpoint_bx-self.ball_x,2)+math.pow(self.closestpoint_by-self.ball_y,2)) #球在砖块上左、上中、上右3种情况的碰撞检测 if self.distanceb < self.radius and self.collision_sign_by == 1 and (self.collision_sign_bx == 1 or self.collision_sign_bx == 2): if self.collision_sign_bx == 1 and self.move_x > 0: self.move_x = - self.move_x self.move_y = - self.move_y if self.collision_sign_bx == 1 and self.move_x < 0: self.move_y = - self.move_y if self.collision_sign_bx == 2 and self.move_x < 0: self.move_x = - self.move_x self.move_y = - self.move_y if self.collision_sign_bx == 2 and self.move_x > 0: self.move_y = - self.move_y if self.distanceb < self.radius and self.collision_sign_by == 1 and self.collision_sign_bx == 3: self.move_y = - self.move_y #球在砖块下左、下中、下右3种情况的碰撞检测 if self.distanceb < self.radius and self.collision_sign_by == 2 and (self.collision_sign_bx == 1 or self.collision_sign_bx == 2): if self.collision_sign_bx == 1 and self.move_x > 0: self.move_x = - self.move_x self.move_y = - self.move_y if self.collision_sign_bx == 1 and self.move_x < 0: self.move_y = - self.move_y if self.collision_sign_bx == 2 and self.move_x < 0: self.move_x = - self.move_x self.move_y = - self.move_y if self.collision_sign_bx == 2 and self.move_x > 0: self.move_y = - self.move_y if self.distanceb < self.radius and self.collision_sign_by == 2 and self.collision_sign_bx == 3: self.move_y = - self.move_y #球在砖块左、右两侧中间的碰撞检测 if self.distanceb < self.radius and self.collision_sign_by == 3: self.move_x = - self.move_x
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